Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Family Addition

Well, a really bad cold has been going around our house, Nathan was in the hospital from March 1st til March 3rd with RSV...Matthew hasn't been feeling too well he has been on antibiotics.. Tyler has just been running fever, he had a seizure on March 9th and we were told it was only a cold.. Well i ended up going to the ER because i just felt terrible , My throat and chest just hurt so bad...They told me they wanted to do a Chest X-Ray and that they would bring me some cough syrup and something for pain. Well the Nurse came in to take me to X-Ray, and im waiting outside....She pulls me back to my room and said we aren't going to do that yet.. Well my nurse came in and said your test was positive... What Test.. she said your pregnant..OMG the shock of a lifetime considering i have been taking birth control. So then i dont get the X-Ray, Cough syrup or pain meds...They drew blood and took me for an ultrasound. Well the ultrasound was too early to show anything, but my HCG level was 1000...pretty high...well i went to the dr 2 days later and they redrew my blood to make sure my levels were going up, and they called me back today and said that my numbers had doubled,and that it's time to call my OB. So i have my first prenatal appointment on March 31st at 9:15 am. Here we go again...